Killers Place
June 21, 2006
May 24, 2006
Navy shoots down a long-range missile "in final stage"

Yee Ha Mother Fuckers Lets Rock
The Pearl Harbor-based Lake Erie is equipped with technology that allows it to detect and track intercontinental ballistic missiles. Since 2004, U.S. warships with ICBM tracking technology have been patrolling the Sea of Japan, on the lookout for missiles from North Korea.
The U.S. military is installing missile tracking radar and interceptor missiles on 18 U.S. Pacific Fleet ships. It is also equipping underground silos in Alaska and California with interceptor missiles.

Click the pic for few missile launches
May 12, 2006
Where's George?!

Top 10 Bills Report - All Denominations
Top 10 Most Entered Dollar Bills Last Updated Friday, May 12th, 2006 | |||||
Rank | Denom | Series | Serial Number Click for Report | Total Entries | Last Activity |
1 | One | 1999 | K244-----I | 15 | Mar-26-2005 |
2 | One | 1995 | D776-----L | 13 | Mar-05-2003 |
3 | One | 1999 | F077-----H | 13 | Jan-08-2003 |
4 | One | 1995 | D7765---2L | 12 | Dec-30-2005 |
5 | One | 2001 | A187-----A | 12 | Apr-18-2004 |
6 | One | 1995 | D863-----L | 12 | Nov-09-2003 |
7 | One | 1995 | D165-----K | 12 | Apr-07-2002 |
8 | One | 1999 | B2167---1E | 11 | Apr-18-2006 |
9 | One | 2003A | J0331---3A | 11 | Feb-18-2006 |
10 | Five | 1999 | BB74-----1A | 11 | Jan-11-2006 |
May 09, 2006
April 30, 2006
Remember The USS Cole?
"Our friend has gotten a royal screwing,"
Kirk Lippold (commander on the Cole) is the first commissioned military officer or civilian official to be punished during George W. Bush's presidency for failing to prevent a terrorist act against the nation.
Bush has been criticized for not holding more people to account, particularly in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and for faulty prewar intelligence and poor war planning.
But now some are questioning whether the White House and Congress, in not acting on Lippold's Pentagon-approved promotion to the rank of captain, have nailed the right man.
Breaking his silence, Lippold, 46, says it's wrong to blame him.
"If you want accountability, there was one accountable officer on that ship, and that was me," Lippold said during a three-hour interview. "But if you want to blame me for allowing that attack on my ship that killed 17 of my sailors -- that is essentially putting me as a U.S. military commander in the war on terrorism on the same level as Osama bin Laden."
April 23, 2006
Bush: 'Hydrogen is the fuel of the future'
April 19, 2006
Chevy trucks suck?
In my line of work and play it's only practical to have a pickup and I'm SICK TO DEATH of pickups. Unfortunately the one alternative in the Chevy line up is the Avalanche or the Ultimate Utility Vehicle (UUV). This vehicle is about as impractical as it gets for anyone who actually uses it hard. I have a laundry list of complaints about it but primarily it's wimpy when it comes to towing and it's gas only engine choices leave it off my list of potential vehicles permanently. The other major complaint is the exterior is so extravagantly nook and crannyish that pretty much any small bump, dent or ding ends up being a major expense. I mean come on, how many times have you bumped the bumper on the construction site or backed into a pole plowing snow? Chevy better get it's act together or I'm going to buy a Ford. Too bad the fords interior suck so bad. Plus it's still a truck!
April 14, 2006
What a DICKHEAD!!!
I said SCRAM!!!

April 09, 2006
What's that on top? A prop?

Is that a prop mounted to the top? I bet you can hear that a few miles away.
April 06, 2006
Trophy Active Protection System

TROPHY Active Protection System
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TROPHY (in Hebrew: "מעיל רוח", lit. "Wind Coat") is a protective shield system for both light and heavy armored vehicles that intercepts and destroys missiles and rockets with a shotgun-like blast just before they hit. TROPHY was developed by RAFAEL together with Israel Aircraft Industries' Elta Group. The system is known as an "active protection system" (APS). The developers claim it is a major milestone in weapons design. They would have a system like TROPHY reduce or eliminate the need for heavy armor for combat vehicles.
April 04, 2006
January 11, 2006
January 09, 2006
January 05, 2006
This guy is just off his rocker. He scares me!

Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson (born March 22, 1930) is an influential right wing political activist from the United States. He is the founder of numerous organizations and corporations, including the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the Christian Coalition, Flying Hospital, International Family Entertainment, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, and Regent University. He is the host of The 700 Club, a TV program which airs on many channels in the United States and on CBN affiliates worldwide.
Robertson's strong views have provoked controversy, especially his statements recommending the dissolution of the more common view of the barrier between church and state, the condemnation of groups he believes to be in a state of sin, and his denunciation of perceived communists or radical Islamic followers. He is against homosexuality. Robertson is a partisan of the Republican Party and campaigned to become the party's candidate in the 1988 presidential election. He is a Southern Baptist and was active as an ordained minister with that denomination for many years, but holds to a Charismatic theology not traditionally common among Southern Baptists. As a result of his seeking political office, he no longer serves in an official role for any church. However, many U.S. Christian churches do not have a national leader that represents or speaks for them, a contributing factor to Robertson's ability to claim a position as a leading Christian voice.
October 29, 2005
It's a sad day in the Twin Cities

These are the top twenty searches in the Twin Cities and the top five story's read in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
This is a great indication why the US is falling behind in math and science and EVERYTHING else. We're only concerned with sports, personal gratification and Paris Hilton.
The most-used search words on in the Twin Cities for Oct. 21:
1 music lyrics 20,406
2 _google_monitor_query_+or+googletestad 3,131
3 poetry 2,842
4 hurricane wilma 1,870
5 games cheat 1,417
6 radio stations 1,357
7 google 1,348
8 dogs 1,322
9 e-bay 1,186
10 yahoo 1,185
11 play games 1,120
12 food 1,004
13 names 901
14 mapquest 824
15 808
16 top 100 baby names 744
17 names and their meanings 727
18 paris hilton 662
19 letterman top 10 642
20 jennifer aniston 622
Top read stories
October 08, 2005
October 07, 2005
September 21, 2005
September 19, 2005
This is cool